Moulherat Christophe
Christophe Moulherat holds a PhD in archaeology, prehistory and anthropology from the Sorbonne University Paris I, entitled: archaeology of protohistoric textiles, the example of celtic Gaule. Since 2009, he is in charge of the scientific analyses of the collection in the Quai Branly – Jacques Chirac Museum, in Paris, France. He is, at the same time, textile expert for the Museum.
Moreover, he teaches art history at the École du Louvre, Paris, for first year students and organises, in collaboration with Nathalie Ginoux (Sorbonne University), two series of lectures at the Quai Branly – Jacques Chirac Museum. The first consists of lectures on digital techniques applied to archaeology and heritage and the second one on lectures on textile anthropology for Masters students.
Furthermore, he participates at excavations in Mongolia and since recently in Peru where he organizes workshops dedicated to textile studies and the use of digital imagery for cultural heritage in collaboration with IFEA (French Institute for Andean Studies).