Library Catalogue


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1993 Tissus d'Égypte, témoins du monde arabe, VIIIème - XVème siècles - Collection Bouvier Génève, Paris Musée d'art et d'histoire, Institut du monde arabe
Barber Elizabeth J. W. 1991 Prehistoric Textiles. The Development of Cloth in the Neolithic and Bronze Ages with Special Reference to the Aegean Princeton, New Jersey Princeton University Press
Bender Jorgensen Lize 1992 North European Textiles until AD 1000 Aarhus Aarhus University Press
Bury Palliser Fanny 1976 A history of lace Wakefield EP Publishing
Cardon D. 1990 Guide des teintures naturelles Paris
Cardon Dominique 2003 Le monde des teintures naturelles Paris Éditions Belin
Collingwood Peter 1974 The Techniques of Sprang. Plaiting on Stretched Threads New York Design Books
Cunnington C. Willett, Cunnington Phillis 1992 The History of Underclothes New York Dover Publications
