Become a member

*It concerns individuals and institutions


Member of ARTEX can become anyone with a particular interest on archaeological textiles, if one Fellow confirms his/her interest.

Institutions, societies and other companies related to archaeology and textiles can also become members.


Members privileges

  • Complementary digital issue of Arachne

  • Submission of papers to Arachne and possibility of publication with the associated publishers

  • Access to the specialised book collection of Youlie Spantidaki (by appointment only)

  • Advisory assistance from the Fellows and other members (e.g. finding articles, questions about archaeological textiles etc.)

  • Presentation of their personal projects on the ARTEX website

  • Personal webpage of institutions on the ARTEX website with a presentation of the institution and its work

  • Discount on most of ARTEX’ activities

  • Reception of  ARTEX’ newsletter via email

  • Access to both levels of information on our new website (visitor and member only)


The annual subscription fee for institutions is 40 Euros, for individuals 30 Euros and  for unemployed and students 20 Euros.

Subscription Payment:

→ You can pay your subscription, in any given occasion, directly to an ARTEX Fellow.

→Or you can deposit the amount at ARTEX’ bank account. Don’t forget to mention your name on the deposit!


*   Before your payment, please complete the application form and send it via e-mail. Upon your approval, you will receive an email with further instructions for payment of your subscription. Once you send us the transfer receipt, you will receive your private username and password for our website.